Sunday, January 29, 2006

It's a conspiracy.

I guess I'd better go,
Before I let my feelings show.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

When I see your smile, and I know it's not for me, that's when I'll miss you.

Cut here.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

One day during Jummah Salah, a 1000 member congregation was surprised to see two men enter, both covered from head to toe in black and carrying sub-machine guns. One of the men proclaimed,
"Anyone willing to take a bullet for Allah remain where you are."
Immediately, the congregation fled, and out of the 1000 there only remained around 20. The man who had spoken took off his hood, looked at the Imaam and said,
"Okay Maulana, I got rid of all the hypocrites. Now you may begin your sermon."
The two men then turned and walked out."

Monday, January 23, 2006

Conservatives. Possibly the worst party ever.

At about 2:30, a friend and I carried out our typical routine, go to Laura Secord and get ourselves ice cream. J.J. paid for me today. Next time I’ll pay. No questions asked. I had told myself a while ago that I wouldn’t get the same kind of ice cream twice until I had finished every single kind they had but I broke that rule today. And I was so close too. But the pistachios were so irresistible. Oh well, I was satisfied with my ice cream.

lithium flower

Sunday, January 22, 2006

لماذا يرسب الطلاب في الامتحانات ؟

ليس ذنب الطالب إذا رسب لأن هناك 356 يوماً فقط في السنة و هذا تفصيل عن حياة الطالب في هذه الايام ... أيام الجمعات : 52 جمعة في السنة حيث يتبقى من السنة 313 يوم العطلة الصيفية 50 يتبقى 263 يوم 8
ساعات نوم يومية وهذا يعني 122 يوم يتبقى بس 141 يوم ساعة واحدة لللعب يومياً (مفيدة للصحة) مما يعني 15 يوماً إضافياً يتبقى 126 يوم ساعتين يوميا للأكل مع المضغ جيداً على قولة مريم نور للحفاظ على الطاقةأي 30 يوم يتبقى 96 يوم
ساعة يومية للكلام والتحدث (فالإنسان مخلوق إجتماعي) وبذلك نضيف 15يوم ,يتبقى 81 يوم أيام الامتحانات في السنة على الأقل 35 يوم يتبقى 46 يوم العطل النصفية والربعية وأيام الأعياد الدينية والوطنية والإنسانية والقومية 40 يوم باقي 6 أيام أيام المرض السنوية على أقل تقدير 3 أيام، يتبقى3 أيام متابعة الأفلام وبقية الفعاليات الترفيهية عايزين نعيش حياتنا برضه على أقل تقدير يومين باقي ....... يوم واحد !! و اليوم ده هوّ بالضبط عيد ميلادك .... ألف مبروك وكل سنة وانت طيب

من د.طـــارق فـــاروق

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Think about it.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Maybe I won't look back.

Vote wisely (for those of you who can).

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

You and me go together like a wink and a smile.

Ok, so I had said I would tell you everything, but yet again, I don't feel up to it. Different things it is.

On my lunch break today, I felt like I needed to be alone. I really didn't feel like socializing. I decided to go to the library; it's a quiet place and lots can be done there. So there I am, by myself (just the way I wanted it) and this girl from a few of my classes of the first semester comes up to me and begins a conversation. I thought it would be a 5 minute max kind of thing, but obviously, that's not what she had planned. She just stood there wanting to talk about everything and nothing. I gave her many hints saying that I would rather be alone right now but she was clueless (or she might have ignored them). Sadly, I sat through it all. I didn't want to be rude to her and for that reason, my whole plans of quiet time just went to waste.
Oh well, at least I cheered up by the end of the day. I got offered cake and coke. =) It was pretty sweet.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Ok, so I had planned to tell you all about it, but right now, I'm out of it. It's been a long day. Maybe tomorrow.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

matters of the heart

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Only half a life.
Allah yirhamhom.

Friday, January 13, 2006

I dreamt that someone sung me this song:

Why are the drums so silent?
Why can’t we hear the rhythm?
What’s wrong with you and I?
Why are the drums so silent?
Why can’t we hear the rhythm from the heals of believers marching to the garden as they strive?

It was beautiful...

Thursday, January 12, 2006

a beautiful liar

Do you think the government should give more money to our universities and community colleges in order to keep students' fees as low as possible, even if this means raising our taxes?

Do you:
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

Racey days
Help me through the hopeless haze
But my oh my
Tragic eyes
I can't even recognise myself behind
So if the answer is no
Can I change your mind

Out again, a siren screams at half past ten
And you won't let go
While I ignore, that we both felt like this
Before it starts to show
So if I had a chance
Would you let me know

Why aren't you shaking
Step back in time
Graciously taking
Oh your too kind

And if the answer is no
Can I change your mind

We're all the same
And love is blind
The sun is gone
Before it shines

And I said if the answer is no
Can I change your mind

-Change Your Mind by The Killers

when the wind blows, everything goes up in the air.

it all swirls around and flies about until the storm dies down.

by then, who knows where anything is any more.

i just have to do my best to pick up the pieces and start again.

sometimes though, the wind makes no such impact even though it is just as fierce.
everything flutters but it doesn’t go anywhere.

it stays still.

it's rooted, grounded, held in position by a force that’s powerful enough to withstand the pressure. the wind is sure as hell blowing in my life...

i hope i don't scatter too far.